Laura Bandy

Summer 2024 | Poetry

Plastic Surgery Barbie

When we were young, my twin

would chew the feet off our Barbies.

Sometimes she gnawed faces, too.

She loved them so much


she wanted them inside her. This

is my guess—that consuming

seemed a way to become one

with the small dolls we imagined real.


I never imagined myself

in a plastic surgeon’s office, but

the soft sculpture shaped like a ripe

honeydew and formed of pink velvet


mop-like strips scattered with glitter

feels very Barbie to me. And thus—

glamorous, good. I should be

grateful that a surgeon will give me


new breasts, is required by law

to rebuild me after cancer chewed

through my too-dense tissue, my

sneaky mammary lobes. The tumor


loved me. The tumor wanted more

of me, wants more, wants all. A

love like that you wait for your whole

life, a Ken better than kin, an all-in


Laura-obsessive. Choices are slim—

silicone or saline, over or under

the pectoral muscle like a Blackjack

bet. Will they saw through your chest wall


or simply slip implants into the flesh

envelopes left when they cut the mass out

along with both breasts? Barbie chooses

dresses—evening gown shimmering

a rosy mosaic bustier of glass-like pebbles,

hard to the touch, bejeweling clouds of peach

tulle. Perhaps it is texture that invites

the bite; irresistible shiny Chiclet-sized

adornment ripe for a child’s teeth to rip


off and spit out, over and over. Barbie’s

charm must be inborn, surely, so that

staring up out of the airless box—feet stubs,

bust bare, mouth hole—still, you’ll choose her

won’t you

Laura Bandy attended the University of Southern Mississippi’s Center for Writers PhD program from 2009 to 2013, where she received the Joan Johnson Poetry Award. In 2018, she won first prize in the "Trio of Triolets" contest, and received third place in the Illinois Emerging Writers Competition that same year. She has new work forthcoming in RHINO, Bennington Review, and the Beloit Poetry Journal. Her chapbook, Hack, was published by Dancing Girl Press in August 2021, and her full-length poetry collection, Monster Movie, was published by Gold Wake Press in spring 2023. Laura teaches at Spoon River Community College and  hails from Jacksonville, Illinois, home of the Ferris wheel. She is a twin and SUCH a Virgo. 


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