Lori D’Angelo

Summer 2024 | Poetry

Summer Storm

The blue-white sky before the storm.

The clouds hang over us like blankets

in motion. I wait for my son to come

home. Earlier today, my husband

said: I wish you’d go back to Louisville.

And, in the hours after, I had to decide

how long to be angry. Or if I’d be angry

at all. Each time, I depart and return,

we have to rearrange our lives,

like shifting planets. In the rain,

sometimes, you have to choose

what to cling to and what to leave.

Lori D'Angelo is a grant recipient from the Elizabeth George Foundation and an alumna of the Community of Writers at Squaw Valley. Recent work has appeared in Anti-Heroin Chic, BULL, Bullshit Lit, Chaotic Merge, Ellipsis Zine, Idle Ink, Litmora, Moon City Review, North Dakota Quarterly, Rejection Letters, Talk Vomit, and Voidspace. Find her on Twitter and Bluesky @sclly21 or Instagram and Threads at lori.dangelo1. She lives in Virginia with her family.


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