Laura Donnelly

Summer 2024 | Poetry

If the Bowl

If the bowl of the hip

is a moon


and on this night full

even without


a child

Holding up


a body like a wide-

mouthed cup


Curved like

the crown of antlers


The curve

of a tree made stark


in snowlight, mid-

night, when


the skeletons of things

grow true


A pelvis

on the trail


licked clean

by some animal


and how the light

passes through

Laura Donnelly is the author of two collections of poetry, Midwest Gothic (Ashland Poetry Press) and Watershed (Cider Press Review) and her recent poems have appeared or are forthcoming in Iron Horse Literary Review, SWWIM, EcoTheo Review, Colorado Review and elsewhere. Originally from Michigan, she lives in Upstate New York where she teaches and directs the creative writing program at SUNY Oswego.


Matt Donovan - poetry


Bryce Emley - poetry