Elaine Equi

Summer 2024 | Poetry

Two Poems

Never Have I Ever

                    for David Trinidad


Never have I ever

seen such a pink sky


like the tonsils and gums

of a hippo


yawning as we ride

over the bridge


where a sugar factory

sweetens the river


and tall buildings melt

into the water.


Lorca’s Guitar


I saw it on display,

the case lined with red velvet,


like part of his body – his voice –

or the companion of his voice


laid out in an open casket

sealed within a glass box.


It was a small instrument,

almost a ukulele,


this skiff that carried him

across the lake of deep song.


I stood before it, listened,

and heard nothing.


No “wind in the olive trees,

wind in the mountains.”


I thought it looked homesick, as the poet

himself had been homesick in New York.


I hope there is a museum guard,

some shy boy,


who comes when no one is around

and plays it.

Elaine Equi is the author of many books including Voice-Over, which won the San Francisco State Poetry Award; Ripple Effect: New and Selected Poems; and most recently, The Intangibles. A new collection, Out of the Blank, is forthcoming from Coffee House Press. In 2023, she was the guest editor of the annual anthology, Best American Poetry.


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