John Vurro

Summer 2024 | Poetry

Nocturne 12

Here’s the loofah 

         & shaving foam    

the soap on a tuft 

     of frayed rope   

& here   my son   




in our shower-stall  

again   &    worth        

              the spoils 

of my effort 

            : his chin pressed 

into my shoulder    almost 

a hug    

             my hand 

clasping    his 

hand       almost holding   


we negotiate 

the razor      together 

            along his cheek 

until his hand 

squirms       free 

         & the razor 

         ricochets off the tub 


& instead of movies

he’s watching cartoons 

& instead of college essays  

             it’s disability forms


& caring for 

               your child 

separate    from raising 

       your child    &  

impossible to understand 

my own father 

       not having the gentleness 

       of touch    for this  

    or for     me   

    or for     his grandson      

    or for     anyone   

except himself       & here’s  


to the failings 

     of father-hood      just look 

             : I nicked him

once already

 John Vurro’s debut novel Play, Rewind, forthcoming in 2025 from Tortoise Books, was shortlisted for the Masters Review Novel Excerpt Contest, judged by Charmaine Craig, and was also a finalist in Craft’s First Chapter Contest, judged by Masie Cochrun. His story, “Turnkey,” was chosen for Carve‘s One to Watch feature in their 2015 summer issue. His story, “Carmine’s War,” won Harpur Palate‘s 2013 John Gardner Award. His fiction has been published in The Literary Review, Eclipse, Glint, and elsewhere. His poems have been published or are forthcoming in The Examined Life, Sugar House Review and elsewhere. His essay “Guardians'' was published in The Sun Journal. He lives in New Jersey.


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