Lila Zemborain trans. Lorenzo Bueno

Summer 2024 | Poetry


Ra        Ma      Da       Sa        Sa        Se        So        Hung

We are in the courtyard

and we suddenly see

beyond the magnolia


or between the magnolia and the house

some blue cubes

which have the consistency of sky


Three cubes all lined up

sailing through the sky

with some inscriptions


on each of their sides like dice

of gigantic



I tell them

look look

over there


And we are surprised

and we are amazed

and we are scared


by those three encrypted cubes

made of air

Not like clouds


because they are blue

nor transparent

because the sky


is not transparent neither

The sky is of a blue

consistency but one that is abstract


because it cannot be 

touched nor shaped

Three cubes


made from this substance

floating in

this precise direction

Ra        Ma      Da       Sa        Sa        Se        So        Hung


It cannot be said

what moves them

or who moves them


They move by themselves


unidentified spaceships


made from a texture

which could be weightless

or appearing as if gravity


does not affect them

although they are sailing

through a field of gravity


Their structure is not

wrapped in air

like balloons


Their structure is air itself

that blue color

three blue cubes


made of sky and air

with their mathematical inscriptions

sailing over the magnolia

Ra        Ma      Da       Sa        Sa        Se        So        Hung


I now understand

that this vision

underlines my thoughts


it expands them

it annihilates them

it solidifies them


like the theory of relativity 

or some scientific discovery 

which would constitute 


a quantum leap

in how we understand

life itself in its extension


on all sides of matter

like when I saw Magritte’s sky

on the other side of the belly button


and the body turned inside out

like a glove

Now it’s the same blue


from which all is formed

it’s the same aerial consistency

which reveals this intangible 



Intellectually serene

is this confusion




but of a colored 



as if color gave its form

to forgo its constitution  


neither matter nor anti-matter

color without gravity






Note: Ra Ma Da Sa is a Sanskrit healing mantra that has been repeated for thousands of years in meditative chanting.


Argentinean poet Lila Zemborain is the author of eight poetry collections, compiled in Buenos Aires as Matrix Lux. Poesía reunida 1989-2019, three of which have been published in English: Mauve Sea-Orchids (Belladonna Books, 2007) translated  by Rosa Alcalá and Mónica de la Torre; Guardians of the Secret (Noemi Press, 2009) translated by Rosa Alcalá;  and Soft Matter (Quantum Prose, 2023) translated by Christopher Winks. 

The poetry collection Matrix Lux, translated by Lorenzo Bueno, is forthcoming this year from Belladonna* Collaborative. Since 2004 she has curated the KJCC Poetry Series at NYU, where she currently teaches and where she co-founded the MFA in Creative Writing in Spanish. In 2007 she was awarded a Guggenheim Fellowship for her three-book series Âlbum, to be published between 2024 and 2025 in Argentina.


Allegra Wilson - poetry