Amy Alvarez

Summer 2024 | Poetry


My memories begin here with

the itch of the pink and white


flower girl dress my abuela

sewed for me by hand, playing


with my abuelo on the beach.

I remember nightfall, being on


a carnival ride overlooking ocean,

my cousin throwing up after a night


of cotton candy and dizzying lights,

our young parents tipsy with rum


and heat. On my last trip to the island,

the pandemic was still in full swing.


The beach boardwalk shuttered;

museums closed. I remember


decades ago, being surrounded

by my family speaking in Spanish,


Spanglish, English, my grandmother

forcing me to eat a fisheye claiming


it would make me smarter, the open

door on the plane ride from San Juan


to Ponce, leading to a wild sky. Even as

my mother gripped me tight, I still pulled

toward the open door and all that blue.

Amy M. Alvarez is the author of the poetry collection Makeshift Altar (2024) and the co-editor of Essential Voices: A COVID-19 Anthology (2023). Selected as one of 2022’s Best New Poets, her poetry has appeared in Ploughshares, The Missouri Review, Alaska Quarterly Review, Poetry Foundation, Colorado Review, and elsewhere. She has been awarded fellowships from CantoMundo, VONA, Macondo, the Virginia Creative Arts Center, and the Furious Flower Poetry Center. In 2022, she was inducted as an Affrilachian Poet. Amy was born in New York City to Jamaican and Puerto Rican parents. She has taught at high schools in the Bronx, New York, and Boston, Massachusetts, and at West Virginia University. She currently teaches at Boston College.


Hananah Zaheer - prose


Mário de Andrade - poetry