Amorak Huey

Summer 2024 | Poetry

Catalogue with Unfinished Lunch

My mistake for a long time was thinking people who always look like they have somewhere else to be are on their way to be happier somewhere else. My mistake was thinking I could make myself happier by having somewhere else to be or looking like I do. Manifesting a general impatience with the present moment. Carrying my body around in a way that suggests someone somewhere needs me urgently. Leaving a club sandwich half-eaten, the refilled iced tea untouched in a sweating glass, a twenty on the table, no change, thanks. Checking the time, checking my phone, checking the middle distance as if someone might be, any minute, approaching: ninth-grader alone by the bleachers desperate to believe the dance is temporary. Yes, I was wrong. None of this has to do with happiness. In this way I have catalogued my mistakes for you. No, not all. Not anything like all.

Amorak Huey is author of four books of poems including Dad Jokes from Late in the Patriarchy (Sundress, 2021). Co-founder with Han VanderHart of River River Books, Huey teaches at Bowling Green State University in Ohio. He also is co-author with W. Todd Kaneko of the textbook Poetry: A Writer’s Guide and Anthology (Bloomsbury, 2024).


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