Warren Longmire

Summer 2024 | Poetry

Warren is a poet, technologist and educator from the bad part of North Philadelphia. He is the host of House Poet: A Spoken Word Dance Party and founder of _mixlit press. Warren's work has been published in journals including Cartridge Lit, The Cleveland Review of Books, The Painted Bride Quarterly and The American Poetry Review. He was featured in the Best American Poetry 2021, edited by Tracey K. Smith and will be featured in the anthology A Black Philadelphia Reader: African American Writings About the City of Brotherly Love (PENNSYLVANIA STATE UNIVERSITY PRESS) in June 2024. His latest book, Bird/Diz [an erased history of bebop] (BUNNY Presse) was released in Nov. 2022. Warren will be attending the Iowa Writers Workshop in the Fall of 2024.


Jane Lewty - poetry


Max McDonough - poetry