Gabriel Palacios/Oliver Scott

Summer 2024 | Poetry

The Spanish Trail Motel

Gabriel Palacios: Poet, songwriter, beatmaker. Author of A Ten Peso Burial for Which Truth I Sign, published by Fonograf Editions. His work appears in New Sinews, Poetry Northwest, West Branch, the Brooklyn Rail and other publications. Came of age with Oliver Scott in Tucson's Edith Street Posse Blood neighborhood in the late new jack swing era reading Kenneth Patchen and drinking thirstbusters. 

Oliver Scott: An artist, writer, and music producer. Born and raised in the Southwest. Played in bands with Gabriel Palacios in Tucson in the 1990s. Learned to love the Beats in the Palacios family minivan, on the way to Junior High. Oliver lives in Glendale currently with raven gangs and sunset mist. 


Ana Božičević - music