Sullivan Summer

Summer 2024 | Poetry

The Joy of Communal Girlhood / The Anguish of Teen Girls

this is a parable about more

that four letter word with all its connotations

the devices that ensure

the difference between the performance of success and the reality of it

one serves as outlet for the other

glammed up hand in hand

macabre euphoria

symbiosis in the form of product placement

carefully calculated release valve

mistaking magic for political movement

never actually doing anything about it

this is a parable about need

that four letter word with all its connotations

stuck on those devices

the difference between performance and

the reality of it

one the outlet for the other

skin glazed like donuts

decoration dysmorphia

neon bracelets up to the elbows

delight in the form of product placement

mistaking sex for political movement

never actually thinking anything during it

this is a parable about less

that four letter word with all its connotations

devices stuck between performances


serving as the outlet

tween movie fantasy

sad girl summer

all that product placement

prioritizing prioritization

mistaking pink for political movement

never actually subverting anything by it

this is a parable about self

all the connotations



one outs the other

subtitles on

popcorn spilled between the seats

product placement

trail of silver in the wake

mistaking age for movement

never actually experiencing anything

this is a parable



feminist act

critique and misery

tossed on a plate to please

no makeup makeup

study upon study

cracks in the perfect

mistaking movement 

never actually anything

Mom, I don’t feel like I’m alive  

Sullivan Summer is a domestic, transracial adoptee raised in rural New England by white, adoptive parents. Her writing focuses on themes of race, adoption, identity reclamation, US history, politics, and pop culture. Sullivan is an alumni of the Brooklyn Poets Mentorship Program, Tin House Summer Workshop, and Bread Loaf Writers’ Conference. Her work has appeared in Dead End and Raising Mothers, with work forthcoming in the Bacopa Literary Review, The Plentitudes, and Redivider. You can find her on Instagram at @thesullivansummer. She lives in New York City.


Alexa Smith - poetry


Stalina Emmanuelle Villarreal - poetry