Crisosto Apache

Summer 2023 | Poetry

Random Thought Patterns / Anatomy of a Lipid Cell

it is Tuesday the 5th of September

— what seems like a train speeding by at 20 ft


the printer finishes the last page

— the sun is already out


a light beam drudges in

— source unknown


the sun starts red and then casts an orange shadow 

a staunch projection of the future mounds in the desert 


the shadows sway and merge

— fast and then faster

— printer diverges the first page 


in a continuous dream, a vehicular memory emerges

— a molecular swap meet



— swallowing down, swallowing deep,

— a deeper gluttonous act

— an act or progress of swallowing



— within the chest, starts a new day.


sun-rise, in a continuous dream

— people enter and exit

— each eccentric in their light

— odd mingling behavior

— eclectic  


love is rough, in a continuous dream

— no clouds in the sky


in a bathroom

— nighttime painful urination

— dreams during incarceration— nonsense


in a continuous dream

— extra-terrestrial, space, UFO probe

— nulls the cranial stairway on a high horse

— a golden saddle

atmospheric acid on the brain

— another cranial decadence


wedding bells, in a continuous dream

— why not?        


sway and swish, in a continuous dream

only wanting to be held

— through conceit, through caress 


squiggling, in a continuous dream

— among coils, pipes from some basement


gorgeous & amp, haughty in a continuous dream

— a body from a stretcher unleashing Orpheus


gathering orphans for an Opus

— a late-night musical persuasion

— not with three, love, coupling, or sheets 


cars race at night in a continuous dream 

— no carburetors, chains, or coyotes howling in heat 

— some travel in packs and others travel without


Vaughn, New Mexico, in a continuous dream

— a small town diner, a note says, that was beautiful


stars may bloom, and cars will swoosh

into a dark facade and affected by a sugar high  


it/I/you/he/she/is/am/are/will be hiding in a seat in the desert                                     


a lonely old man wants the company of the youth

steel brush scrapes unkempt tires

and only for one evening, there are tears


using an illustration of a cattle herd

and a drawn carcass full of colors


darkness is faster than all fingers

— anxious and speeding lying along the highways


wandering far in a continuous dream 

— an audio file with an annoying tapping beat   

— tapping on a surface with no direction

— a radio dial emitting static

red wine in a continuous dream

— a stoic bright moonlight serenade


one hour remains in a continuous dream

— until my/our flesh crawls together tight

— words cannot express enough

— the infatuation concludes at dawn, 5:00 am

Crisosto Apache is originally from Mescalero, New Mexico, on the Mescalero Apache reservation, and currently lives in the Denver area with their spouse. They are Mescalero Apache, Chiricahua Apache, and Diné (Navajo) of the Salt Clan born for the Towering House Clan. They hold an MFA from the Institute of American Indian Arts and are an Assistant Professor of English. Crisosto’s debut collection is GENESIS (Lost Alphabet). Their second book recently released is Ghostword (Gnashing Teeth Publication). They are also the Associate Poetry Editor of The Offing Magazine, and their profile can be seen on the Poetry Foundation's website as well as their website

Crisosto recommends “Stony the Road: Reconstruction, White Supremacy, and the Rise of Jim Crow”, Henry Louis Gates Jr., “Genocide of the Mind: New Native American Writing”, edited by MariJo Moore, and “Sovereign Bones: New Native American Writing. Volume II”, edited by Eric Gansworth.


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