Ibe Liebenberg

Summer 2023 | Poetry

Two Poems

Half Staff

these flowers underneath

winter orphans

 still buried lilies we gather

  about why you did it

flag and pole coupled close

we say we cannot 


Feather River Canyon 


almost threw my rope to water 

pretending to be the child

a small shirt waving sleeves

was too much body 


i am lonely on the shore 

waiting hours in rain

the boy shirtless wherever he is 

will return


while the river gossips 

then argues with me 

a burial as if agreeing

the high water mark sign nods 


above our engines

at the station in my room

i slip into the water 

resurrect the hours


before his family drove 

from the road

hours before 

their recovery

Ibe Liebenberg is a citizen of the Chickasaw Nation. He lives in Chico, California and works as a firefighter, and a lecturer at Chico State University. He is currently enrolled in the MFA program at the Institute of American Indian Arts. He has been published in POETRY Magazine, The ThreePenny Review, Ecotone, North American Review, Beloit Poetry Journal, Sugar House Review, American Journal of Poetry, Salamander Magazine, and Verse Daily.


Won Lee - poetry


W.M. Lobko - poetry