Tiff Dressen & Alex Mattraw

Winter 2024 | Poetry

Night Callous


“Io cannot die. Prometheus cannot rest. The oceans are helpless. As for us,
we can neither live, nor disappear. The stars, at night, emit sparks
with the rhythm of our breath.”


–Etel Adnan from Shifting the Silence



I hang mirrors around three corners

of the garden. What disappears


in this making?  Slackjaw

looking through our trellis-talk,


“Prophesy has now passed the

limits of understanding”


my head flash-chatter again.

mind-fur, sand-slips, bare


feet shed night callous. The truth

is an overdose of seeing.


Because we


to distill

panic the

first drops

were murder

The truth is he used the kitchen to fill a glass carafe with tap water,

then placed it in the center of the yard.


I drink the whole bottle. Sky lip, road

mouth, stem armed leaning out


“Now it is words no longer: now in very truth

the earth is staggered”


for the real, the upside down

yarrow more yellow in the movie


            but dream I am you


I sleep on fault

lines exceed

the Curie point

of iron


moon. Silver tulle skirting

clay kneeling at his feet I said


when I try to sleep I wake harder

in the dream I try to wake


hot afternoons

on granite inhale

artemesia fever

imagine parallel

selves in geo




Because we


arborescent teaming

for true

how to go slow

to go fast


“The triple formed Fates and

the remembering Furies”

Let me tell you the

tale of rhizomatic

adaptation we

could wake

Apollonian green


“Tell her what remains of

her wanderings: tell us the one

that shall deliver you”

blister you through

marsh salt blossom

dune through

desert looking glass

cracked into song-

wept solar

sight I weep


sun petals


out of sun


Uprooted I

curse animal heat

in my finger

guilt wool

I point

out of aging 

seedling wilt

a history

of pointing

arthritic deity

I deform ask




paralysis and

infinity where

in the god’s

ratio is


The collaborative work of Bay Area poets Tiff Dressen and Alex Mattraw has previously appeared in The Brooklyn Rail and Talisman Magazine. They have performed together at City Lights Books, Moe's Books, Skylight Books, and elsewhere. Tiff Dressen's most recent book of poems Of Mineral was published by Nightboat Books in 2022. They live in Oakland and work at UC Berkeley. They are currently reading Other Minds: The Octopus, the Sea, and the Deep Origins of Consciousness by philosopher Peter Godfrey-Smith. Alex Mattraw’s third full length collection of poetry, Raw Anyone, was published by Brooklyn’s Cultural Society in 2022, and two of her four chapbooks live at Dancing Girl Press. Her recent work can be found in Lana TurnerPositTupelo Quarterly, and VOLT. Alex is also the founder and curator of the Bay Area reading series, Lone Glen, now in its twelfth year. alexmattraw.com


Sophie Dionysopoulou - poetry


Moira Egan - poetry