Paula Brancato

Winter 2024 | Poetry

Two Poems

The World of a Married Woman – Autumn, 2007


A-Rod, Big Papi, shark week, giant squid on the TV,

Needle and Hail Mary Passes, 24/7 ESPN Sports,

Hurricanes other than storms,

gone is my poodle, in is their St. Bernard, the A/C a chilly 65,

bacon onion cheeseburgers, barbecue ribs and fries,

cutlery, inside my sofa, plates that turn to sculptures overnight,

Nike Shox, Starberry’s, Playstation 2025,

maddening Madden, air hockey games,

X Box, Stratomatic, rock and roll from 1969,

leather jackets, Ferraris, Mercedes SUVs, Fiats

in basic black, blue delphiniums delivered, husband and gift card

attached, socks walking up to the laundry, dishes stacked

to the skies, kisses, arguments, bites, wails, cries, double

baths and unmade beds that rock for days and days….



Paula Steve Steve Paula hi Paula this is Steve     this is the hint

of Steve his name a newfound quarter

plucked from asphalt      dropped in a tin of dimes


he opens a northeast window   hangs his head out

to smoke          while she clasps him

from behind     


but that was before he knew

her dainty wrists          her trim white lips 

before he stroked the sweat on her lioness back


as she straddled him     as he held her from behind     yes behind        

crooning honey angel darlin' sweetheart

sweetfeet me-duck pet            


petal dearheart old thing old tart cutie dumpling

baby bay-abe!       ah you whoever you are      I would crush my life for you

I would gladly drink your wine

Paula Brancato is a 2nd generation Sicilian-American poet and filmmaker. One of the first women on Wall Street and a McKinsey consultant and planner for the World Bank, Paula also serves as CEO of her own financial firm, adding to her unique creative voice. Her literary awards include Booth Poetry Prize, Danahy Fiction Prize and Brushfire Poet Award. Her work has appeared in The Southern Review, Kenyon Review, Mudfish, Bomb Magazine, Virginia Quarterly, Ambit Magazine, Georgetown Review, Litchfield Review and Southern California Anthology. Paula taught poetry and screenwriting at USC, Stonybrook Southampton and HCNYC.  She’s a graduate of Harvard Business School, Hunter College, LA Film School and the Granta Writers’ Workshop.


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