Charles Bernstein

Summer 2024 | Poetry

Three Poems


Unsavory people like him

Just want you to do things for them

Only to Swiftboat you in the end




Michael Davidson, Archiviste


The material pre-conditions abound as if to astound

Midst the flurry of putatively transient autopoiesis

Cathecting in boxes as the band plays cover versions

Of cover versions. Collected is not necessarily not

Neglected. But it holds hope like a porcelain vase

Tempers its inscription with repeated use.



Disclosure statement


No potential conflict of interest was reported by the author.

Charles Bernstein’s most recent books are Topsy-Turvy (2021) and Pitch of Poetry (2016), both from the University of Chicago Press. His work was the subject of The Poetry of Idiomatic Insistences, edited by Paul Bove, the Fall 2021 issue of boundary 2


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