Christopher Alexter Amador Cervantes trans. Jeremy Paden

Summer 2024 | Poetry

Amador Cervantes, Christopher Alexter. Trans. Jeremy Paden.  Parraíso del ton[t]o (un) Solemne / Parradise of (a) Solemn Simpleton[e]. New York: Nueva York Poetry Press, 2024 (forthcoming)

Christopher Alexter Amador Cervantes (La Paz, Baja California Sur, Mexico, 1984) is a Mexican writer who has won numerous regional, national, and international awards for his poetry, essays, and plays. He is the editor in chief of the poetry zine, El ruiseñor de Teócrito. He has served as the President of the South Californian Writers Association, the Supervisor Public and State Libraries, and the Director of the Institute for South Californian Culture. These poems are part of his book Parradise of (a) Solemn Simpleton[e], a collection of poems that won the III Premio Internacional de Poesía Nueva York Poetry Press 2022, and are slated to be published in 2024.

Jeremy Paden, is Professor of Spanish and Chair of the Division of Humanities at Transylvania University in Lexington, Ky. His essays have appeared in Colonial Latin American Review, Romance Notes, Romance Quarterly and other journals. He is the author of 5 collections of poems, most recently "world as sacred burning heart" (3: A Taos Press) and "Un poema rápido en vez de un himno," a collection of poems in Spanish co-written with the Chilean poet Luis Correa-Díaz. He has translated Argentine, Chilean, Colombian, Mexican, Peruvian, and Spanish poets.


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