K.A. McGowan

Summer 2024 | Poetry


Squealing brake pads and runaway generators

remind me of all the factory jobs I didn’t want,

of tilted pinball machines in smoky rooms,

of Delaware & Hudson freight cars

stacked to the brim with empty Budweiser bottles.


Couldn’t say when my childhood friends and I

turned the talk from Columbian Gold

to Medicare Plan B and deductibles.


Time I lost track of.

Love I lost the feeling for.


I’ll need a plot of level ground

to shoot a new azimuth with my rusty compass

and try to make some sense

of this new geography.

K. A. McGowan lives 49 feet above sea level near Lafayette, LA. His first full-length poetry collection Pangaea was published in 2022 by Kelsay Books.


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