JoAnna Novak

Summer 2024 | Poetry

Two Poems



It feels good

to smash,


rocket earth,



we burn



I don’t

care. Thinking


: buy flowers

for my son.


The smoking

woman plucks



from my calves


and tells me

she doesn’t


want kids



she loves people

who love kids.


Was my mother

into me,


did she say

a positive


thing? Lob

an easy happy


my way? One

minute she cried


on the phone,

scared, the next


at the zoo.

Before showering


I bounce, naked,

practicing my shot


until the volley

became automatic:


forehand left

foot, backhand


step right, twist,

stiffen wrist,


throw a medicine ball

of molten blood


into the maternaverse.

She knows me


little, least of all

my love for the hopper.


Comma, With a Line From Bruce Nauman


I need to learn a lifetime

how to pause and separate


the picture of you lithe in Ojai

from the picture of me bleeding


down my thighs. I need

to itemize my desire—


an abandoned estate,

close to the coast,


a demotion, my hands

on the backs of your knees,


hot. A quick lesson

on subordination: press


yourself against the blackboard.

This may become an erotic experience.

JoAnna Novak is the author of memoir Contradiction Days: A Writer on the Verge of Motherhood. Her short story collection Meaningful Work won the Ronald Sukenick Innovative Fiction Contest and was published by FC2. She is the author of the novel I Must Have You and three books of poetry: New Life; Abeyance, North America; and Noirmania. Her fourth book of poetry, DOMESTIREXIA, will be published by Soft Skull Press in 2024.


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