Isaiah Back-Gaal

Summer 2024 | Poetry

Letter to my mother from the near future

Ima     this year the cornfields have grown       upside down

husks of yellow beads       head       somewhere moist

dark & teeming with        organic & mineral matter

this year the heat came back so good        me?

I'd been regularly diving in the river for       submarine love

& food so       being gone & being        forgetful

even now       when memory urges the river's thick

current even now      I forget        left

the AC off      the house melted literally

melted it wasn’t             by heat          but by

water the witch      died Ima once         you taught me

to love     dry paper

the children’s library    brick roads     apologies

for splotches on the page       kisses bubble

& burst down here          Ima I was         making a home

where I swam     through gardens    of sunken tire swings

the old world     wobbles

like rain    see?    the chemistry of this atmosphere is compositionally

different from yours       roots stipple the sky         tall & latticed

as a crane I'm listening            Ima the corn         will not disclose its plans

Based in Columbus, Ohio, Isaiah Yonah Back-Gaal is a queer poet, climate justice organizer, and drag performer. They are currently an MFA candidate in creative writing at The Ohio State University and Managing Editor of The Journal. Their work can be found in or is forthcoming in Seventh Wave Magazine, Ghost City Review, and Copper Nickel and has received support from the Greater Columbus Arts Council. Their poetry has been nominated for Best of the Net. 


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