Leila Bilick

Summer 2024 | Poetry

Two Poems

For the Love of God  


I live in a country 

of fundamentalists now            and a tumor 

has appeared in my brain’s 

left side which I’m told is controlled 

            by the right      Halleluya 


The problem is God 

has hidden God’s face for millennia and we  


who are animals in darkness 

only we’re not, are we 


That’s what hurts so much: booming consciousness  




What to do 

with all this awareness 

of what we’ve lost. 




The head is a balloon

pulling away 


to further and further moons 


Goodbye I love you on your yellow





sung only in the unhumanest 

of heavenly terms now –    call to us 

no more 

Leila Bilick’s poetry has appeared in American Literary Review, Lilith Magazine, The Coachella Review, Book of Matches, and Soundings East, among others. She has an MA in English from UMass Boston. She works as a copy editor and poetry workshop facilitator, and lives in Los Angeles with her daughters.


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