Shannon Hearn

Summer 2024 | Poetry


if u are standing by the sea you are waiting for another person. if u are standing you are waiting. if you are waiting there is poison in the water. because you are waiting even if u are standing the sea is poisoned. close your eyes. you are waiting even if there is poison. the poison is why you are waiting for another person. by the water if you close your eyes you close them for the poison. if you close your eyes for the poison there is only glow. so if u are standing by the sea for another person you are waiting for their shadow. if you wait with your eyes closed there is poison but where u are standing for their shadow by the sea there is glow. god knows water. if u are standing thank god. if god gives you a shadow thank them. thank god for their shadow. u are standing even if there is poison in the water because you are waiting. u are standing for the sea. another person. your eyes. if you are closed you are waiting for the sun.

Shannon Hearn is a poet and teacher based in Binghamton and Brooklyn, NY. 


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