Tate Lewis-Carroll

Summer 2024 | Poetry

Dear Reader,

I am collecting my stethoscope

to help me crack the safe of your ribs

in your sleep.

If I do this right,

you won’t realize it.

But say I do trip the alarm

and you notice the billowing curtains,

when you scramble

to take inventory of your treasures

nothing will be missing. Promise.

If I do this right,

you’ll even mistake what I’ve hidden here

as your own.

Tate Lewis-Carroll (they/them) is the author of What's Left (Finishing Line '23), Blind to the Prairie (forthcoming from Bottlecap), and has been nominated for the Haiku Foundation's Touchstone Award for an Individual Poem in 2023. They have been awarded the Sutherland Fellowship from Illinois State University as they pursue their MA in writing and publishing. Their work can be found in Hotel AmerikaModern HaikuGhost City Review, and other journals. Find them on Instagram @TateLewisCarroll


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