Sandra Marchetti

Summer 2024 | Poetry


On a black

foreground past

hung curtains


you hover over


hooked into


the bed, shoulders

curled, stomach

slack. Your


sex moves

like a star.

I can’t see


me, but feel

our foreheads

pulled tight


to meet at

the brow line.

This is a divine



though you’re

always shaping


into anyone,

no one

in particular.

Sandra Marchetti is the author of two full-length collections of poetry, Aisle 228, forthcoming from Stephen F. Austin State University Press (2023), and Confluence from Sundress Publications (2015). She is also the author of four chapbooks of poetry and lyric essays. Sandra’s poetry appears widely in Poet Lore, Blackbird, Ecotone, Southwest Review, Subtropics, and elsewhere. Her essays can be found at The Rumpus, Whiskey Island, Mid-American Review, Barrelhouse, Pleiades, and other venues. Sandy is Poetry Editor Emerita at River Styx Magazine. She earned an MFA in Creative Writing—Poetry from George Mason University and now serves as the Assistant Director of Academic Support at Harper College in Chicagoland.


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