Natalie Marino

Summer 2024 | Poetry

The Best Thing a Girl Can Be

is still a beautiful little fool1.

It’s at least as hard

as it always was.

Parades still go down

the streets—

one side red, the other blue.

In the distance

smoke rises at the edge

of the horizon’s black line

and I can imagine

a crowd far away

spending the night outside.

A long time ago

fields were empty and wordless,

every mountain a tall prayer.

Now I can’t talk to God,

there are too many people.

I am a mirror, a wilting flower

looking up at the sky.

I am a dark witness.

All I see are death and stars2.




1 In F. Scott Fitzgerald’s novel The Great Gatsby Daisy says of her infant daughter: “I hope she'll be a fool -- that's the best thing a girl can be in this world, a beautiful little fool.”

2 The last line of Walt Whitman’s poem “A Clear Midnight” is “Night, sleep, death and the stars.”

Natalie Marino is a poet and practicing physician. Her work appears in Pleiades, Rust & Moth, Salt Hill, South Florida Poetry Journal and elsewhere. She is the author of the chapbook Under Memories of Stars (Finishing Line Press, 2023). She lives in California. You can find her online at or on Instagram @natalie_marino.


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