Elise Paschen

Summer 2023 | Poetry

Heritage of the Blood Wolf Moon, XI

  She outlived him,

my mother dying

                                                                                                nine years after my father.

                                                The tomb my mother

inhabited that first year, lying

on the suede beige couch,

sealed by the dark,

black-out curtains pulled tight,

blocking the changing trees

            whose seasons my blue-eyed

father followed, shut out

the backdrop of lake 

                                                                                                beyond the bluff. My father,

                                                amateur limnologist, walked

the pebbled beach each

morning, tried to keep

his strip of sand safe

                                                                                            from erosion, building

                                                breakwaters, constructing barrier

boulders. During my childhood

summers of their separation,

we helped him dig holes

in sand, to bury deep

                                                the tide of alewives. The stench

            of those fish, their silver bodies,

                                                             shriveled in the sun. Our dog

loved to roll among the carcasses.

                         We splashed my playful

                                                            father in the azure-cold

                        lake, the infinite lake

                                                                        masquerading as ocean.

Elise Paschen is the author of The Nightlife, Bestiary, Infidelities, winner of the Nicholas Roerich Prize, and Houses: Coasts. Her poems have appeared in The Norton Anthology of Native Nations Poetry, Best American Poetry, and Poetry, among other anthologies and magazines. She has edited and co-edited many anthologies, including, most recently The Eloquent Poem. Paschen teaches in the MFA Writing Program at the School of the Art Institute of Chicago.

Elise recommends Louise Erdrich, The Sentence; Nell Stevens, Briefly, A Delicious Life; and Joy Harjo, Weaving Sundown in a Scarlet Light.


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