Marco Patitucci

Summer 2023 | Poetry

Two Poems

At Some Point


At some point,

anti-gravity will be sold like a snack

and spacesuits will fit in a slim front pocket.

On a whim,

you’ll pass through our atmosphere,

the suit stretching over your limbs

as you climb.

At some point

I will love the ground I walk on,

step soundly,

watching you become small,

not remembering

how big you were

in my mind.

At Some Other Point


In another dimension,

you pressed a different button,

B-4, perhaps,

tapped the glass,

winked past your reflection.

The spacesuit stayed in your pocket

and my fingers found its double-stitching:

resting, confiding.

The ascension was recognizing

the debris,

how we come from one explosion,

how, one day,

we’ll leave holding each other,

all of us,

in every dimension.

Marco Patitucci is a singer/songwriter, poet, and novelist living in Northern California. His poetry has appeared in Streetlight Magazine, Red Door Magazine, and several anthologies. His debut chapbook, Cracks in the Devil’s Urn, was published by Finishing Line Press in January 2020. You can find him on Twitter and Instagram @heytucci.

Marco recommends A Visit from the Goon Squad - Jennifer Egan, and LaGuardia - Nnedi Okorafor.


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