Allison Moore

Winter 2023 | Poetry

Same Trees

Particles of sweat moisturize the slip of cloth where germs copulate

on our lips –

droplets and aerosols not falling and floating

propelled from furls of breath, but stuck, caught

in tight woven threads like lint in the dryer vent.

Outside the distant tops of trees wave in edged light.

I am starting to feel like quarantine:

the same yearning from childhood, the same trees.

Allison Moore is an art historian and holds an MFA in Poetry from Pacific University. She is author of the book Embodying Relation: Art Photography in Mali (Duke University Press, 2020) and her poems have appeared or are forthcoming in New South Journal, The Ekphrastic Review, Eunoia Review and Journal of Undiscovered Poets. She teaches art history at the University of Florida and is an art editor for CALYX.


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