Winter 2023 | Poetry
The Girl Shopping Store:
Fast Connections at 4
Megabits Per Second
all the women who never loved
you hang in the message box
intermittent flapping laundry
sprinkled with bird shit and occasional
mapled swirling whirligigs
cross-species surprises, sudden boyfriends
and the jealous resurrection ex who rears
her grisly head
near-death encounters and great escapes broken
dates and those with ten-year-old photos
bonding over trauma with latte in lesbian-style
first dates with social workers
are there any lesbians who aren’t
social workers? show of paws
will pass on the processing
another gin, please
yes, the phone thing… unreturned messages
manic pit stops on idle, late-night saturdays
single-digit, half-engaged poking
girl-shopping-store boredom
I like this color, this material, this income,
this pretty face, this butch face, this femme face,
this aristocratic, wine-tasting face,
this gucci-wearing, god-loving preacher-woman
face, this big-toothy-smiling,
up-the-nose shot face,
this girl-dangling-the-dead-fish face,
this secretly-knowing, beckoning face,
this love-me-til-you-kill-me face,
this pill-popping-party-creature face,
this pilfer my wallet face,
this hiding-behind-the-tree face,
this fiction-faceted face,
and let’s not forget the someone-else’s-face
fast-break, teasing faces leading precisely
nowhere, circling the death pit
called internet dating
the girl-shopping-store
where dreams spring to uncertain pinging
life at furious data rates—faster
than superman, a premature climax,
the turn of a hand, a sputter of sound
or flutter of a human heart
Koss is an artist and writer with over 230 writing, art, and visual poetry publications in journals such as Bending Genres, Kissing Dynamite Poetry, diode poetry, Five Points, Cincinnati Review (miCRo), Spoon River Review, Prelude, Petrichor, San Pedro River Review, Westchester Review, Mom Egg Review, Up the Staircase Quarterly, Spillway, Rogue Agent, Moist Poetry Journal, Michigan Quarterly (Mixtape), Chiron, Anti-Heroin Chic, Schuylkill Valley Journal, Gone Lawn, Sage Cigarettes, Beaver Mag, The Lumiere Review, (and many others). They received numerous BotN and Pushcart nominations during ’22-‘24 in poetry, art, photography, fiction, and creative nonfiction and won the Wergle Flomp Humor Poetry Award in 2021 for “My Therapist Sez.” Their work has or will appear in anthologies including Best Small Fictions 2020, Kissing Dynamite’s Punk, Bent, Beyond the Frame, Red Ogre Review’s 2022 Anthology, and others. Find links to their work at https://koss-works.com. Koss's chapbook, "Dancing Backwards Towards Pluperfect" is forthcoming from Diode Editions in '24