Chris Nealon

Summer 2024 | Poetry


You wake up in the death forest, curious place


Tiptoe around your body! or they won’t let you back in


Your visits are becoming more frequent


You recognize small things from before, patterns in the bark, scraps of paper on the bed of needles


That mournful wind? The air in your nostrils


Every morning you return to your bed but it’s starting to feel like you’re not at home


Like your daylit life is just a footnote in the book of the underworld – “see above”


My god, you think, am I really that skeleton, eating a banana?


Your flesh feels warm and sticky


No idea rumbles out of you, though you hear approaching thunder


Eyes are blinking from behind thick growth – quizzical, like you – is the dark a cushion or a maw?


Somehow you know the only way to get out of this place is not to try to leave


It’s funny, you never thought about the “quick” in “quicksand”


Trust yourself, says the maw

Chris Nealon is John Dewey Professor in the English Department at Johns Hopkins University. He is the author of five books of poetry, including The Shore (Wave Books), which was a finalist for the 2020 National Critics’ Book Circle Award, and, All About You, just out from Wave in 2024.


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